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Wed, July 25th
0800 Registration
0830 Welcome
0915 DCIST Research Vision; Research Areas Overview: RA1, RA2, RA3; Cross Disciplinary Experimentation Overview
1030 Break
1115 Breakouts Groups
1230 Lunch
1330 Introduction to Afternoon Breakout Groups
1345 Breakout Groups by Research Area 1, 2, 3
1545 Break
1600 Brief outs for morning and afternoon breakouts by RA leads
1700 Cocktails and Dinner
Thursday, July 26th
0830 Welcome
0845 Cross Disciplinary Experimentation Introduction
0905 Breakout Groups: CDE 1, CDE 2 & 4, CDE X (Human-Robot Collaboration)
1045 Break
1100 Brief outs on CDE discussions
1200 Lunch in Breakout Groups
1330 Brief outs on CDE discussions by RA leads
1400 Path forward for Bi-annual Program Plan
1430 Open Discussion – Wrap-up
1500 Adjourn